CMB-S4 News, 2018
Results of Inaugural CMB-S4 Collaboration Elections
April 24, 2018
Over the course of three weeks, starting on April 3, 2018, the inaugural round of elections for CMB-S4 executive positions and governing board was held. Thanks to everyone who participated, including all candidates and voters, and congratulations to the inaugural Co-Spokespeople, Science Council chairs, Membership and Publications/Speakers Committee chairs, and Governing Board members.

The inaugural Co-Spokespeople for the CMB-S4 collaboration are Julian Borrill and John Carlstrom.

The inaugural co-chairs of the Science Council are Gil Holder and Lloyd Knox.

The inaugural chair of the Membership Committee is John Ruhl, and the inaugural chair of the Publications and Speakers Committee is Kevin Huffenberger.

The members of the inaugural Governing Board are (in alphabetical order): Zeesh Ahmed, Nicholas Battaglia, Amy Bender, Bradford Benson, Lindsey Bleem, François Bouchet, Abby Crites (postdoctoral representative), Tom Crawford, Mark Devlin, Brenna Flaugher, Nils Halverson, William Jones, John Kovac, Akito Kusaka, Charles Lawrence, Adrian Lee, Michael Niemack, Suzanne Staggs, and Aritoki Suzuki.

Congratulations again to all!

CMB-S4 Bylaws Ratified
March 19, 2018
On March 19, 2018, it was officially announced that the CMB-S4 collaboration bylaws have been ratified. CMB-S4 is now an official collaboration with 157 Collaboration Members.

Argonne-2018: Cosmology with CMB-S4
March 7, 2018
Picture: Argonne-2018: Cosmology with CMB-S4
Argonne-2018: Cosmology with CMB-S4
Click on the image to enlarge
Cosmology with CMB-S4 workshop at Argonne National Laboratory, March 5-7, 2018.

The series of open workshops to define the CMB-S4 project and collaboration continued this March with the successful Cosmology with CMB-S4 workshop at Argonne National Laboratory. Among the important achievements of this workshop was a finalized set of bylaws for the collaboration, to be ratified immediately after the workshop. This milestone will mark the beginning of the official CMB-S4 collaboration.

The other major goal of the workshop was to begin planning for a report to be submitted in preparation for the National Academies' Astronomy Decadal Survey in Astronomy & Astrophysics.Learn more >>