CMB-S4 Jobs
Job Postings
Open opportunities for CMB-S4-related positions
This page is for advertising positions related to CMB research, e.g., postdocs, faculty, laboratory and technical positions. To post positions, send description and link to C. Reichardt.

Postdoctoral position at Argonne NL
posted: Aug 11, 2020
The High Energy Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the Experimental Cosmology group. Members of our group study the cosmic microwave background as participants in the South Pole Telescope (SPT, and CMB-S4 ( collaborations.

Successful applicants will have opportunities for cosmological analysis of data from the SPT-3G receiver as well as in technology development for CMB-S4. They will have access to multiple test and fabrication facilities at Argonne, the latter involving close collaboration with the Materials Science Division and the Center for Nanoscale Materials. Opportunities also exist to collaborate closely with the Cosmological Physics and Advanced Computing group as well as groups at Fermilab and the University of Chicago.Learn more and apply