CMB-S4 Events, 2019
CMB Workshop March 13-15 at Fermilab
March 13 - 15, 2019 | Fermilab
Picture: CMB Workshop March 13-15 at Fermilab
Fermilab - 2019: CMB-S4 Workshop
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The next twice yearly CMB-S4 Workshop will be held at Fermilab March 13-15, 2019. The meeting will first focus on finalizing our preparations for input to the 2020 Decadal Survey of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the DSR, and secondly on the path to the next major review milestones in advancing the CMB-S4 project.

Although the agenda is split into collaboration days (13-14th) and project day (15th), everyone is encouraged to attend the entire meeting.Learn more >>

Workshop: "Astrophysics with the CMB-S4 Survey"
April 15 - 16, 2019 | Chicago, University of Chicago
Picture: Workshop: Astrophysics with the CMB-S4 Survey
Workshop: "Astrophysics with the CMB-S4 Survey"
Click on the image to enlarge

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together leading astronomers and astrophysicists to integrate the planned CMB-S4 Legacy Survey, a multi-band millimeter wave survey covering roughly half the sky at unprecedented sensitivity and observing cadence, with other directions in astrophysics. This includes the time variable sky as seen in solar system science, stellar variability, binary evolution, supernovae, tidal disruption events, and gamma-ray bursts, as well as high-redshift star formation and studies of feedback from black holes and star formation on the intergalactic medium, including galaxy cluster thermodynamics and reionization.Learn more >>

UCSD 2019: CMB-S4 Collaboration Workshop at U.C. San Diego
October 17 - 20, 2019 | University of California at San Diego
Picture: UCSD 2019: CMB-S4 Collaboration Workshop at U.C. San Diego
UCSD - 2019: CMB-S4 Workshop
Click on the image to enlarge

The next CMB-S4 Workshop will be held at UCSD October 17-19, 2019. The 2.5 day meeting will focus on continuing the advancement of the CMB-S4 science case, including discussion of recent developments and new innovative ideas, as well as on continuing the refinement of the instrument specifications, moving from the reference design to the baseline design.

The format of the workshop will be initial plenary overviews of the status and outstanding issues. These will be followed by parallel working sessions, with the summaries reported back in subsequent plenary sessions.

Registration is open, see learn more website. Further details provides on the CMB-S4 WIKI.Learn more >>