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Fermilab-2019: CMB Workshop @ Fermilab
March 13-15, 2019
The next twice yearly CMB-S4 Workshop will be held at Fermilab March 13-15, 2019. The meeting will first focus on finalizing our preparations for input to the 2020 Decadal Survey of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the DSR, and secondly on the path to the next major review milestones in advancing the CMB-S4 project.
Current status of CMB-S4CMB-S4: Next Generation CMB Experiment

The 'Stage-4' ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment, CMB-S4, consisting of dedicated telescopes equipped with highly sensitive superconducting cameras operating at the South Pole, the high Chilean Atacama plateau, and possibly northern hemisphere sites, will provide a dramatic leap forward in our understanding of the fundamental nature of space and time and the evolution of the Universe. CMB-S4 will be designed to cross critical thresholds in testing inflation, determining the number and masses of the neutrinos, constraining possible new light relic particles, providing precise constraints on the nature of dark energy, and testing general relativity on large scales.